SEQLD IWW Zine Stall 13 July

Heads up!

SEQLD IWW will be having a table at the Paperbark Zine Fair, 12pm till 5pm, Saturday 13 July 2024, at Jagera Hall South Brisbane (the one shoved behind the pool and beside Musgrave Park, up that driveway off Cordelia St and to the left).

Initially we wanted to share tables with the Locked In crew from 4zzzfm, cause they’re awesome. But they couldn’t make it.

So anyway we will be still setting up a free badge making table, and a stenciling workshop space. So turn up, make a stencil, then make a badge. Then take a bunch of IWW and anarchist zines. And hang around for a rant. Good times!

We have heard there is still going to be a different prisoner support group setting up and writing letters, so come check them out. And we may try and have an open discussion circle about prison abolition during the day, nothing scheduled yet.

An important piece of IWW activism was the massive prisoner strikes in the USA during 2016. It was the biggest and longest prisoner strike in USA history. And it was organised by IWW using techniques of grassroots, non-hierarchical networks. As such it didn’t get nearly the amount of media it should have, including from The Left.

Read about the Prison Strike of 2016 here, and here. And the latest newsletter from the Incarcerated Workers Organising Committee can be viewed here. This page includes the Letter of Demand the prisoners made.