An injury to one is still an injury to all


Nationalism gaslights us out of our awareness of our value to ourselves and one another as workers, whether for wages, or domestically. Atomised, we can only throw a torrent of consumer durables into the bottomless pit of our alienation; united as a class, we can defend rights and advance interests collectively.

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Direct Action

Parliaments are wholly-owned corporate subsidaries; Laborism and what remain of laborite unions discipline and control workers in the interests of capital. Technocracy corrodes our culture like cancer; the Golden Rule of Politics is that those with the gold make the rules. We owe it to ourselves to act for ourselves.

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We snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by not rising above the thinking that creates the need for unions to begin with. No altrustic outcomes from selfish means. In unlearning our own colonisation by capital, making informed and responsible choices instead, we build an economically democratic and sustainable future now.

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Defend rights

Advance interests

Boost workplace morale, defend rights, advance interests, and survive empires lurching themselves a mischief with class solidarity

Every day we are told that “money makes the world go round.” That’s funny because it seems like workers make everything. It’s almost as though the increasingly ethnofascist aristocracy of wealth routinely devalue workers and our unions because they fear our self-awareness, class consciousness and unity (stop saying bad things about gaslighting, commies).

We owe it to ourselves to be organised; we might not like class struggle, but class struggle seems to know where to find us. There is class power in a union.

I transcended my alienating individualism by signing a Red Card and I’ve never looked back!

Jane Everywoman

Domestic Care Worker, Sunnybank Hills

Top Features of Class Warfare

Corporate-captured political system
Consumerism not freedom
Technocratic, illiberal ‘governance
Genocidal, extractivist imperialism
Future sold out for quarterly dividends

‘They call it love, we call it unpaid labour’

Are you a domestic care worker—unwaged, devalued, invisibilised?

Gender heirachies are inbuilt into capitalism. The free market in its majestic glory relies on colossal subsidies in the form of predominantly women’s unpaid domestic care labour. The Australian government’s own statistics tell us that domestic care labour contributed more to GDP than the manufacturing industry the last time anyone checked. The parenting payment might be considered a further subsidy to capital insofar as it contributes directly to value-adding of the future human capital.

Said human capital of course contributes to dividends when kids are old enough to leave home and start being paid less on wages than the value of our labour, per leased slavery I mean the wage system. Dividends mean hyper-exploited domestic care labour needs to be devalued and invisibilised; DARVO tactics operate socially the same way narcissistic predators need to perpetrate coercive control over a victim within an abusive and toxic relationship at the interpersonal level. It’s almost as though dividends (to the tune of USD$22 trillion in offshore bank accounts) depends on the emotional, psychological and finally physical violence rooted in misogyny.

Coooperative democracy

The IWW embraces grassroots democracy, giving decision-making power to workers instead of centralised leadership. This fosters active member participation, ownership, and engagement in shaping union policies and actions.


The IWW opposes discrimination in all forms and as a supremacist mentality that can feel good about the Self in opposition to a demonised Other. The IWW looks to develop more inclusive spaces by transcending of false binaries within and without of the union.

International Solidarity

The IWW recognising the interconnectedness of labor struggles and the power of international cooperation in challenging transnational exploitation and inequality.


The IWW recognises that oppression and inequality are the result of a combination of root causes that must be addressed simultaneously. It avoids either class or liberal capitalist identity essentialism/reductionism in favour of intersectionality.

I believe the IWW was probably the last human concept in American politics.

Hunter S Thompson

Gonzo journalist

[Nb. We still are]

The history of progress is written in the blood of men and women who have dared to espouse an unpopular cause, as, for instance, the black man’s right to his body, or woman’s right to her soul.

Emma Goldman

IWW Pillar

While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

Eugene Debs

IWW Co-founder

It’s time to break our rusty cages … and run

The IWW’s radical approach challenges power structures and promotes revolutionary unionism, making it a suitable platform for workers seeking trasformative labor activism.

Click on the link to find out more about how we organise, and how we can reclaim individual rights and responsibilities within a context of class struggle and collective action.