Category: Australia

  • Julian Assange: Finally at home for Christmas

    It’s the summer holiday break, and for Julian Assange it’s his first one back in Queensland for over 14 years. Since returning to Australia he has understandably kept a low profile, only interrupted by his partner recently releasing photos of him just chilling with his family. Any internet search will…

  • On ALP deflection from crimes against humanity

    On ALP deflection from crimes against humanity

    As the historical example of the Nazis shows, totalitarianism is characteristically deflective. Collective tantrums over the wheels falling off the bandwagon of endless upward mobility reject any concept of social responsibility as a matter or course, preferencing hiding behind freedom like cowards over standing in front of it and defending…

  • Legitimacy vs Aus-ROC

    Legitimacy vs Aus-ROC

    Unfortunately as of July 2024, South-East Queensland IWW (SEQLD IWW) is in dispute with Australian Region Organising Committee IWW (Aus-ROC). SEQLD IWW have followed proper process, filed formal complaints that remain unanswered, while being on the receiving end of various of public misleading posts. So unfortunately we find it necessary…

  • Touch One Touch All

    Touch One Touch All

    Touch One Touch All Last May Day in Toowoomba there were discussions amongst the Labor Day committee as to whether the CFMEU should march next to the 16-person bagpipe band, as their chants were drowning out the bagpipes last year.  One thing is for sure in Toowoomba, and that is…

  • Banks Stole Money From Dead People. Why Weren’t They Put Into Administration?

    Banks Stole Money From Dead People. Why Weren’t They Put Into Administration?

    Australia has one set of rules for white collar crime, and a whole other set of rules (and sanctions and penalties and public floggings) for blue collar crimes… particularly when a union is involved. Lawyer Alana Heffernan weighs in on the obvious hypocrisy. In the last week, officials of the…

  • About our Zine Stall at the Paperbark Zine Fair

    SEQLD IWW ZINE STALL – 13 July The Paperbark Zine Fair was held last Saturday 13 July at Jagerra Hall, South Brisbane. It was a great day, lots of fun, and well attended. We didn’t count all the tables, but there was a lot. Andy from Paradigm Shift on 4ZZZfm…

  • SEQLD IWW Zine Stall 13 July

    Heads up! SEQLD IWW will be having a table at the Paperbark Zine Fair, 12pm till 5pm, Saturday 13 July 2024, at Jagera Hall South Brisbane (the one shoved behind the pool and beside Musgrave Park, up that driveway off Cordelia St and to the left). Initially we wanted to…

  • Labour Day March Toowoomba and Flag Raising Ceremony

    Labour Day March Toowoomba and Flag Raising Ceremony

    The Labour Day March in Toowoomba was held on Saturday, 4 May 2024. It began with the Flag Raising Ceremony in Ruthven Park to remember all the workers who have died on the job. The Eureka Stockade Flag flew at half mast until after a minute silence was observed, and…

  • Green Syndicalism: An Alternative Red-Green Vision

    Green Syndicalism: An Alternative Red-Green Vision

    Most approaches to Red and Green (labour and environmentalist) alliances have taken Marxian perspectives, to the exclusion of anarchism and libertarian socialism. Recent developments, however, have given voice to a “syndical ecology” or what some within the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) call “green syndicalism”. Green syndicalism highlights certain…

  • The Syndicalist Platform for Indigenous Rights

    The Syndicalist Platform for Indigenous Rights

    A transnational study of settler-colonialism, White Laborism and the Industrial Workers of the World in Australia and South Africa. This thesis considers the legal stasis triggered by the 2007 “Northern Territory National Emergency Response‟ and suggests clarification can be found in the historical precedent of settler-colonialism. Through a trans-national exploration…