The Labour Day March in Toowoomba was held on Saturday, 4 May 2024. It began with the Flag Raising Ceremony in Ruthven Park to remember all the workers who have died on the job. The Eureka Stockade Flag flew at half mast until after a minute silence was observed, and Solidarity Forever was sung. Then it was raised to full mast.
During the ceremony a special mention was made about the IWW and Ralph Chapman who wrote Solidarity Forever. Also SE Qld IWW received a much appreciated shout-out for attending.
This is the raw video and audio of the Flag Raising ceremony.
Afterwards over 2000 workers assembled at Hall Lane and loudly marched through the streets of Toowoomba, with the Free Palestine group and IWW marching at the rear. So why did the march on Saturday instead of Monday like in Brisbane? Because if they marched during a public holiday, no one would see them. And they made sure they would be seen and heard around town. What a great vibe being in the crowd.
After marching everyone went to the Armitage Centre for the Union bbq, and a relaxing afternoon in the park there. IWW set-up a stall for the afternoon, which was very well received. Lots of interesting people and interested people chatting away the day. Lots of people saying they are surprised and glad to see the IWW still exists. Lots of zines and pamphlets taken from the stall.
There is always one random ex-wobbly that comes out of the crowd, and we found him today! He used to be a member in Brisbane during the 1990’s, and had a few stories to share. We were very happy and inspired to be part of this Labour Day March today, to meet so many awesome and solid crew. This ceremony is important to have, to build a sense of community and connection, to remember the past and organise for the future.